Kristof states “We have never been a nation of haves and have-nots,“We are a nation of haves and soon-to-haves, of people who have made it and of people who will make it.” He begins with this for all readers to really begin thinking of this. We live in a society that we make our self's known and visible with either accomplishments or not. Whether were you come from if it out of the country and now you presently live in the United States there is no excuse for failure. Kristof makes a great impression of this discussing about Rubio's Father. He also makes such a great view point about children who are born into our society today who basically need NO effort. They are brought into this world with the economics of there parents those peoples children will be in the same economic system.. they call it the "10 percent area".
A prime example of this would be looking at a child in a group home who has grown up living with he same people and being around the same people. This child ends up going to a great college and is an excellent athlete... but came from nothing with no family an was poor. People may look at him differently and not treat him like the other students that attended that school. But however, this is how our society is seen now a days its all about where people come from and what they get and receive from. Whether you have it or not.
Kristof in this article is arguing how he believes it doesn't matter where people are from especially children who are born into this word. There is no doubt that they are different, everyone is but also special in there own ways. The country that we live in has come to all about your social an economic status and how you are seen. And Kristof believes that we should change this.
Throughout this reading piece, it simply is about how we need to change our society. Myself as a reader sees the point he is trying to write especially with discussing about his friend Rick. On how poorly he lived his life of his father being an alcoholic. He was the type of kid who just ignored what his fathers bad deeds were and followed all of his dreams on getting a great education. No matter where he came from an what his life was like at home being raised by a father who was an alcoholic who couldn't manage to purse in his education. Parents are a big part of a Child's life and good support systems help.
Kristof names the title of his article, " U.S.A Land of Limitations" because our society that we live in is all about limitations and economics that run every ones lives. We need to know " how we can change the U.S.A and make it better?
I definitely agree with your statement, "this is how our society is seen now a days its all about where people come from and what they get and receive from. Whether you have it or not." This is unfortunate that it is this way, it should not matter where people come from or what they have and don't have. I wonder if this will ever change.
ReplyDeleteI agree with your argument of success based on where you come from. Many people view and judge others simply based on where you come from rather than what you can 'bring to the table'. Many people are very intelligent or amazing athletes, but if they come from a low class family or rough neighborhood, they're usually looked passed and someone of a higher status gets what they are working hard for.